Homework Club is a time and place to do homework, be productive, and learn. Students can receive homework help from Correia teachers and Point Loma Nazarene Graduate students, who offer their time and tutoring skills in support of the Correia staff.
Families must fill out an interest form BEFORE their child attends.
Homework club started this year on Monday, September 18! This year students will be able to attend Homework Club on Mondays and Wednesdays in the Correia library from 2:55 p.m. - 3:55 p.m. Thank you to FODAC for sponsoring Homework Club again this year! Interested in signing up your child? Please fill out the google form.
We would like to thank the Friends of Dana and Correia Middle Schools for making this resource available to Correia students. Please consider a donation to the FoDaC Annual Giving Fund, which directly supports Homework Club and free after school tutoring. Without these funds, we are not able to offer this valuable service to our students.
Homework Club Guidelines;
- Students will follow all Correia Middle School rules, especially those pertaining to safe, respectful, and responsible behavior. If you do not follow all of rules, the teacher may talk to your parent and may suspend or expel you from Homework Club.
- Students should arrive at Homework Club by 2:55 p.m. You will sign in on the sign-in sheet at the beginning of the meeting and remain in homework club until 3:55 p.m.
- You must bring homework and show the teacher and tutors your planner at the beginning of the meeting. If you need a textbook, you can borrow one from the library and put it back as soon as you are done. If you complete homework before dismissal, you may read or play math games that are provided by the teacher. You are expected to be doing something educational at all times.
- You will work quietly. If you need help, raise your hand, and a teacher or tutor will come to you. If you are noisy or disruptive, the teacher may require you to move to another location within the library.
- You will not use any device such as a cell phone, iPad, gaming device, etc. You may only use a computer if it is required for homework. The teacher may give permission to those who have completed their homework to use a computer to play a specific educational online game. You must ask for permission to use a computer.
- You may not leave the library during a meeting unless picked up and signed out by your parent before 3:55 p.m. Use the restroom before the meeting.
- Homework Club is not school. It is a free program offered to you by the Friends of Dana & Correia Middle Schools (FoDaC) parent association. Membership in the club is a privilege, not a right. The adults are there to help you. You are expected to be polite and respectful to the adults and other students at all times.
- Most importantly, learn and have fun!