Resources for Parents


National PTA is the largest volunteer child advocacy organization in the United States. A not-for-profit association of parents, educators, students, and other citizens active in their schools and communities.

California PTA represents our members, to empower and support skills in advocacy, leadership, and communication so they may positively impact the lives of all children.

Children Now is the strongest advocacy organization for children in California. The group's excellent California Report 2005 addresses the issues and concerns facing children in California today, and offers links to their archive of statistical reports from prior years.

Best Practices & Technology

George Lucas Educational Foundation tells stories of the most innovative models of K thru 12 teaching and learning.

Tech .Learning is produced by Technology & Learning Magazine, with contributions from hundreds of K-12 teachers, administrators & other experts in the field.

Microsoft Education Home Page is Microsoft's Education and Research Homepage.

Lemon Link is Lemon Grove School District's nationally recognized connected learning community.

eSchool News Online is a monthly newspaper developed to provide the news and information necessary to help K-12 decision-makers successfully use technology and the Internet to transform our nation's schools and achieve educational goals.

Key Building Blocks for Student Achievement in the 21st Century is the CEO Forum's School Technology and Readiness Report.

Institute For Learning Technologies - Columbia University seeks to help advance these changes by exerting educational leadership through innovative project. It aims to nurture, in a sustained manner, the humane application of information technologies, expanding educational opportunity and achievement for all. Also see The Educators Manifesto - Dr. Robbie McClintock, Columbia University.

Power Of Internet Learning - Report to The President and the US Congress describes the Power of Internet Learning, Moving from Promise to Practice. A Report of the Web-Based Education Commission to the President and the US Congress.

Government Agencies

US Department of Education offers an award-winning site designed to help pursue the President's initiatives, including No Child Left Behind , and advance our mission as a Department to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence for all Americans.

California Department of Education has as its mission to provide leadership, assistance, oversight and resources so that every Californian has access to an education.

San Diego County of Education shall provide the highest quality education for students in County Office operated programs.

San Diego City Schools has as its mission to improve student achievement by supporting teaching and learning in the classroom.

Learning Disabilities

LDOnline is a comprehensive resource about learning disabilities for parents, children and teachers. It offers ways to get help, first-person essays about the challenges of living with learning disabilities and a useful KidZone where parents can get tips for working with their child.

The Arc is an organization committed to helping children, adults and their families with mental retardation. It provides resources and will keep you up-to-date on legislative developments.

The Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law is an excellent advocacy organization for parents and children. Their special section on Children's Issues focuses on the needs of children with disabilities.

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