Community Involvement

Friends of Dana & Correia Middle Schools (FoDaC)

FoDaC is our newly formed Parent Association that supports academic programs and the student body at both Dana Middle and Correia Middle. FoDaC is an approved, 501(3)(c) non-profit organization. Meetings are scheduled on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm, alternating between the Dana Campus and the Correia Campus.  Please visit to learn more, submit a donation or sign up to volunteer!

Point Loma Cluster Schools Foundation

With the purpose of developing vertically aligned programs TK-12 throughout the Point Loma Cluster, the PLCSF has identified the following priorities:
  • Identify common goals K through 12 to strengthen vertical alignment and articulation;
  • Generate a unified voice when working with the district and advocating for PL students;
  • Provide a collaborative forum for communicating initiatives, programs, and issues;
  • Develop systems/programs/pathways between cluster school to ease and enhance the transition process;
  • Create a shared community consciousness throughout PL schools;
  • Share ideas and resources among cluster schools.

School Site Council (SSC) 

The SSC is an elected decision-making group comprised of parents, community members, site administrators, teachers and other staff. At the secondary level, students are included. The SSC has an ongoing responsibility to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate the site plan. The SSC also oversees all the categorical funds such as Title I, Second Language and GATE. All schools are required to have an SSC. Contact your site administrator or SSC chair if you are interested in joining.

Site Governance Team (SGT)

Each school has a SGT to act as its advisory body on issues other than major categorical programs. Contact your school administrator if you are interested in being part of your school's SGT.

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

Schools which have twenty-one or more English as a Second Language (ESL) students also have an English Learner Advisory Committee. It serves as the advisory body to the school on four key issues:

  • The school plan for English learners
  • Needs assessment
  • Administration of the language census
  • Efforts to make parents aware of the importance of attendance

Contact the principal if you would like to be part of our ELAC.

District-Level Committees

Career Technical Education Advisory Committee (CTEAC)
Develops recommendations on the College, Career and Technical Education program and provides the liaison between the district and potential employers. Learn more

Compensatory Education Programs, District Advisory Council (DAC)
Advisory group of elected representatives from Title I schools that consult with the district on behalf of compensatory education program participants.
Learn more

District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
Advises the Board of Education and district staff on programs and services for English Learners. Learn more.

Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) District Advisory Committee
Advises central office staff on GATE program development, planning and implementation as required by state law; acts as regional liaison to school sites for development of gifted programs; reviews district program objectives, activities, budget timelines and annual evaluations. For more information, contact your school principal or visit the GATE District Advisory Committee web page

Independent Citizens Oversight Committee (ICOC)
Citizens' advisory group created to monitor Proposition S implementation and expenditures. ICOC meetings are open to the public and regulated by the Brown Act. Learn more.

Special Education, Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for
Advises the SDUSD Board of Education and the Special Education administration on the implementation of the Local Plan, which describes how the district provides services to students with exceptional needs. Learn more .

Utilization of Excess School Property, Advisory Committee for (ACUESP)
Board-appointed citizens' advisory group authorized to consider proposals and develop recommendations regarding property owned by the school district. Learn more.

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