Currently, we are in great need of your generous donations in order to fund our After School Tutoring & Homework Clubs.
Please consider a donation today! Just $25 per child will help us reach our goal of raising $30,000
What is Annual Giving Fund?
Annual Giving is a general fund account made up of donations from parents, families and the community. Every dollar of this fund is spent toward the FoDaC mission of enhacing and supporting the students, teachers, classrooms and staff of Dana Middle and Correia Middle Schools.
Your tax deductible donations will help us to continue to fund programs, services, activities, facility upgrades, technology upgrades, student supports and much more, many of which fall short due to cuts in education funding within the district. Donations from the Annual Giving Fund are used to fund, just to name a few...
- Student Planners
- Homework Club
- Free Student Tutoring
- Assemblies
- After School Clubs
- Movie Nights
- Father/Daughter and Mother/Son Events
- Student Recongnition Programs
- Book Fairs
- Logo Wear
- P.E Equipment
- Classroom Materials & Technology Updates
- Site Beautification and Facility Upgrades